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  • Nigel Dias
    Nigel Dias

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Dr Sharna Wiblen joins the HR Analytics ThinkTank research team

    Originally posted in 2018


    Whilst the HR Analytics ThinkTank research has been running since 2015, one of the most exciting developments took place last year when we signed an official research partnership with Professor Andy Charlwood and the University of Leeds. By combining our frameworks and data, tracking the growth and impact of HR/people analytics functions over the years, we have been able to upgrade the quality of our research and reports to a an academic level.

    It therefore gives me great pleasure to announce that Dr Sharna Wiblen, Assistant Professor at Sydney Business School at the University of Wollongong, Australia, is also joining the research team.

    Sharna brings another new perspective to the research and analysis of the HR and people analytics industry, and we look forward to her contributions to our reports and ThinkTank content over the course of 2019.

    Edited by Nigel Dias

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