Posted 3 months ago
What types of decisions are organisations making about their workforces to get through the COVID-19 crises? What value can HR and people analytics functions add to that decision making to help their HR and business leaders?
Over the last week, the HR Analytics ThinkTank have been analysing the results from the ThinkTank community, trying to help analytics functions understand what each other are doing, and what they could be doing, and maybe prepare for what they might need to do over the next few weeks.
On 31 March, @Nigel Dias, @Andy Charlwood and @Mike Ulrich presenting some of the initial findings, and asking HR and people analysts to help guide the next steps of the research. If you missed it, please watch the recording of the webinar below.
Further surveys will be conducted over the next few weeks, and short studies written up for anyone to read. If you have any thoughts or comments, please add it in the comments below.