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GUIDE: How To Run a *Virtual* HR and People Analytics Meetup

Nigel Dias


In September last year, I write a guide for How to Run an HR and People Analytics meetup. In those pre-COVID19 days, the guide was really talking about in-person events when we could come within 2 metres of each other and most of us had probably never worn a face mask. Like everything else meetups have gone digital. Since March, HR and people analytics meetup organisers around the world have been experimenting with ways of taking our communities digital.


It has been a learning journey, and there are pros and cons to this new format. In this blog I wanted to share the experiences of the London HR and People Analytics Meetup community, as we've adapted for this new world. We invite other meetup organisers to contribute their own blogs or comments.


We also invite you to download our Virtual Meetup Slide Deck Template by clicking here on the image below:


HR Analytics Template Deck



So what tips do we have for moving your meetup virtual...?


Virtual Tip 1: Replicate In-Person Feel and Vibes

Many of us have learned that the success of virtual meetings requires a shift in attitude - not just from the person leading the session, but the people attending it too. We send an email out 48 hours before the meetup and open with some guidelines to help everyone get into the right frame of mind. My general guide to the community is a simple challenge: "As a community, we need to work together to replicate the feel and vibe of an in-person meetup. Would you feel comfortable doing something at a physical event? If yes, then feel free to do it at the virtual meetup.".


More more specific guidelines:

  • Webcams On. We think the 'connection' people feel in meetups requires an eye-to-eye connection, so unless you are invisible in real life we ask everyone to switch their cameras on.
  • Be Present. In a normal meetup, people tend to respect the presenter and they don't walk around and do distracting things. The great thing about a virtual event means you can join from anywhere, but please don't join in a way that negatively impacts the experience for other people.
  • Ask Questions. We allow anyone to unmute themselves so they can ask questions whenever they want (just like in real life).
  • Have Fun. It is just a meetup, so don't stress!





Virtual Tip 2: Be Inclusive

You shouldn't assume everyone feels as comfortable as you are with your web platform - in fact, it can be a great way to alienate some of your community if they feel unable to navigate your sessions. At the beginning of every session, we do a quick 3-4 minute demo of all the functionality they need to know about.

Zoom Instructions


Virtual Tip 3: Your Networking Will be Fine (it might even improve)

Most meetup organisers feel that the biggest value their sessions bring is the networking and sense of community - and they are worried that this will not translate into virtual webinars. At the in-person London meetups the networking is high energy, and it was a concern for us - but the feedback on our networking as been extremely positive.


Some ideas for you to consider:

  • Use Breakout Rooms (Zoom). Zoom has a great feature called 'Break Outs', which allows you to create mini virtual meetings within your big Zoom meeting. You can click a few buttons and send everyone into mini groups of 4-5 people to chat on their own. This works very well for us.
  • Given Enough Time. Make sure you give people enough time to network. You can always end the networking early if you need to.
  • Use Digital Tools. Other groups are using tools like Mentimeter, Miro and more to improve their experiences.
  • Suggest Questions or Themes. Suggest questions for people to ask each other in the virtual meetups to help them get started.
  • Eat and Drink. This is probably my personal view but there is something human about eating together and our networking usually happens over pizza and beer. Encourage people to bring a snack for the networking.




Virtual Tip 4: Keep Recording and Writing Up and Keep Going

The biggest trick to long-term Meetup success is still the same trick as a successful change management programme... Keep going, maintain clear momentum and communication and share successes. If you can, tell people when the next meetup will be, and share the blogs and recordings of your sessions (on the ThinkTank?) so other people can see what they missed and join in the future.






I hope this helps. If anyone has any other questions about the London meetups or suggestions or ideas, please let me know. Here are the useful links if you want to start your own meetup:

  1. Register Your Meetup on the Global Meetup Map
  2. Put your Meetup Event on the New Global Meetup Calendar
  3. Join our the Meetup Organiser Linkedin Group.




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