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Four Steps to Add Content to the Community Content Library

HR Analytics ThinkTank


The Global Community Content library is an open area of the ThinkTank site where anyone can add content for other people to access, read and use. It is completely open and anyone can add content - although there are some general rules (below). This blog is a quick guide to explain how to add content to the site.


Rules for Global Community Content

There are only two rules to adding content to the global library:

  1. You are responsible for having the rights to post the content. 
  2. Any sales content will be removed.



How to Upload Content to the  Community Content Library


Step One: Go to the Community Content Library and click "Add New Content" (Click Here)






Step 2: Enter a Title and the Text for the Content

Note 1: If you are posting a video from Vimeo or YouTube, you can just put the video URL and it will load as a video!

Note 2: You can tag other site members by using "@". For example, @Johann Friedrich Gauss.






Step Three: Complete the other fields

Note: If you need a new Content Type, Topic Category or Language, please use "Other" and let us know by messaging @HR Analytics ThinkTank. We will add the new category and update it for you.




If it is older content, you might need to add the date it was original recorded or written, and who is featured in the video.




Step 4: Agree to the Disclaimers, add a Banner (Recommended) and hit "Save"

Tip: If you do not have a banner, we will add one when we post it.





And that's it... The video should appear in the library immediately! Thank you for adding it!

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