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The New ThinkTank Forum

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About this blog

These blogs are written by the HR Analytics ThinkTank team to document Forum usage and new features as they are added over time.


Entries in this blog

Four Steps to Add Content to the Community Content Library

The Global Community Content library is an open area of the ThinkTank site where anyone can add content for other people to access, read and use. It is completely open and anyone can add content - although there are some general rules (below). This blog is a quick guide to explain how to add content to the site.   Rules for Global Community Content There are only two rules to adding content to the global library: You are responsible for having the rights to post the content.

HR Analytics ThinkTank

HR Analytics ThinkTank

Our Four Favourite Features of the New Forum

Over the last two years, our research community (and the users of our Forum) have grown significantly, as has the content available for them to access. Each piece of content hopefully has the potential to help an HR analytics practitioner think differently either about their function or their career - but like a good dashboard or report, we need to make it easier for them to experience this evidence in the first place. To do this, we are happy to launch the new HR Analytics ThinkTank Forum. 
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