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  • Nigel Dias
    Nigel Dias

    Free HR Analytics ThinkTank Access for all University Students

    From December 2020 the HR Analytics ThinkTank will allow any university in the world to get full access to our exclusive content for their active students. The ThinkTank library includes reports, webinars, and blog posts from HR analytics industry leaders and academics. We ask the HR lecturers or program directors to please complete this form to get access for your students!


    From the first time we shared our analysis of HR analytics functions in 2015, the HR Analytics ThinkTank has strived to produce content supported by evidence and a drive to share the insights with our community to enhance industry learning. Could we answer questions about how HR leaders build analytics functions? Could we answer these questions using a common language to enable actions? Could we provide free content and evidence to accelerate the adoptions evidence-based decision-making by HR and organisations?


    Since then the ThinkTank has evolved significantly whilst staying true to these goals. We aim to produce empirical evidence that supports organisations to build HR analytics functions more quickly, help professionals develop their careers, and provide a platform to share HR analytics journeys and projects. To do this, we have formed academic partnerships to ensure the highest level of quality to our research. To bridge the academic/practice gap, we have a board of industry leaders to ensure that research is always industry-relevant and practical. The ThinkTank uses our brand and resources to promote micro HR analytics communities around the world and to share our research insights from our global community.  


    Our current project on HR analytics careers highlights to me the importance of this global network, and also how important it is to share these insights with the next generation of up and coming HR analytics and HR professionals. It is my pleasure to announce that the ThinkTank will do its part to support the development of the next generation by opening up the community’s resource to current HR students (or those interested in a career in HR analytics from other subject areas).


    The ThinkTank is committed to the future and wants to support the adoption and use of analytics and evidence-based decision-making by HR. With the fast pace of change in the industry, we hope that we can enhance university programs with the latest industry insights and research for their students.



    Nigel Dias

    Chair, HR Analytics ThinkTank



    Comments from our Board Members:

    "The expectations for HR professionals has changed significantly over the last 30 years, and it’s increasingly difficult to succeed in the field without being analytically literate."

    @Mike Ulrich, Utah State University and ThinkTank Academic Lead



    "Whether they wish to pursue a career within people analytics or in HR in general it is crucial for future HR practitioners to understand the role of data and analytics. The HR Analytics ThinkTank is a great place for students to access content on basic and advanced analytics in HR."

    @Jordan Pettman, Global Head of People Data, Analytics and Planning at Nestle and Board Advisor (2020)




    "HR Analytics Think Tank is the only platform producing relevant content for practitioners giving you real world insights into the practice."

     @Angela Ignam Mathon, Head of People Analytics at Aviva and Board Advisor (2020)


    Next Steps and Frequently Asked Questions
    I am a lecturer or university leader. How can I register myself and my students?

    If you would like to register yourself and your students you need to complete this form. If you have any questions, please email contact@3nstrategy.com.


    Are there any requirements?

    You must be formally allowed to register your students, including sharing their details for the purposes of creating users to our platforms. These details include first and last name, and student email address. To facilitate the verification process, we will only accept lecturers and students using their university email addresses.


    I am a student. Can I get access on my own?

    For now we do not have a form for you to complete. Please create a user on the ThinkTank website using your university email address and email us to get full access.


    Is there any financial cost? Why not?
    There are no financial costs for any ThinkTank content. The only transaction is asking our community to participate in research, which is being waived for students. Maybe once they begin their careers they will take part in our research.


    Is our data shared with anyone?

    The only data captured will be names and email addresses. These will not be shared with anyone beyond the ThinkTank's admin team.

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